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New vacuum

After figuring out the hard way, that if you have a pet you should get a vacuum that has a bagless design, we have purchased a dyson DC07 animal edition. That was the original vacuum I wanted but was talked into an orek because of how small, light and easy to use it is. It comes with a great warrenty and is a good vacuum. We plan to keep it. I plan to use one upstairs and the other downstairs. We have an old panasonic that I plan on getting rid of after the new dyson comes. Looks like it is on the truck and will be delievered today. With any luck it will be on my door step when I get home. It says it needs a signiture so I will probably have to go pick it up at the fedex distribution center after work. I hope this thing works as good as all the reviews say it works. I have read a few other reviews on the web and have tried a few before. I didn’t know if we should get the purple on or the yellow one. I found a great deal on ebay for a new in the box with warrenty purple model so could not pass it up. I just saw they are coming out with a new line next month. Wonder if they will be any better than this one. At any rate, I hope to give it a try tonight. The whole reason we wanted one is because of the smell we get after about a month with our current vacuum. The dog hair starts to make the room smell a bit when we use it. We end up through the vacuum bag away when it is not even half full because it smells bad. Nothin like cleaning a room and it smells worse than it did before you start cleaning. With this I can just walk out to the garabage container and get rid of the hair right away.

Posted in New toys.

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