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Another weekend that went fine

Well it only seems like I am putting up entries after the weekend is over for some reason. Had another good weekend with the dog. Taylor is doing better and better. She finally enjoys either laying next to us on the couch or laying on the floor next to the couch. She only got hyper one time this weekend when friends were over. After they left she was back to just laying next to us and chewing on her rawhide. Got some more work done on the basement. Have a partial hallway up and the ceiling of the hallway framed. Will be a bit of a low ceiling but that is because of the ductwork and pipes. Plan to put a little compartment there also with a plexie glass front so we can put the new projector in the wall. When I say new projector, I have not even picked it out yet.

So I am almost out of supplies once again for the basement. Need to think about what I want to do for lighting and data/tv cables also. Will probably cable some of the stuff this week and also plan out the lighting for the basement. After that is done I will need to spend some money. Have picked out two doors (one for bathroom and one for utility room) need to find and plan out the double door into the main room from the stairs/hallway. After I have found the doors I want then will be the big bill. The dry wall. Think it will be about 4 or 5 hundred dollars for that. Have the tools but not the dry wall yet. After that is up we will have a much better looking room. Right now it is still hard to imagine what it is going to look like. Well all for now.

Posted in Basement.

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