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underground sprinkler system later this month

Well finally have set a date and have called miss dig. I didn’t know miss dig is only for the state of michigan. Anyway, called and they will be out this week or next to mark the yard and then next weekend a friend and I plan to rent the creeper that pulls the wire and tubes into the ground. We went this way hopeing that we have very little cleanup to do when finished. If we went with a trencher we would have to replant grass and what not. This way we pretty much just cut a line in the yard and that will just grow back together. Have to get the main tubes this week or next and then get all the connectors. Probably will get spray paint this week so we can mark the yards also. It will be nice to just go and hit the button when I want to water the lawn. Have not had to water this year yet, almost had to once. This will be a nice addition to the house for sure.

Posted in Home Stuff.

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