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Getting closer to a plan for an updated mythtv network at our house

As many have known for months, fedora core 6 will be eol as of Dec 2007.  I have been making preparations for a move.  Not in a hurry but want a plan that I can eventually have in place for our mythtv boxes.  I have 2 front end boxes that I have finally figured out (dumb me) that I can upgrade and change pretty much at anytime.  I just have to keep them at about the same version of myth as the masterbackend.

Over the long weekend (I took Monday off) I worked on the frontend that is downstairs and also worked on moving a few disks around.  In the end I hope to move all recording to the masterbackend and have two frontends that all they do is playback.  Right now I have a masterbackend and a slavebackend.  I have almost all data and disks moved around.  One more reboot and I can take the 3ware card and the last ide disk out of the master backend.  I think I want to buy one more 500gig or larger sata drive and that will be all set.

After this last change I can move the hauppauge 500mce into the masterbackend and then I can rebuilt both of the frontend boxes.  One is almost finished.  After they are rebuilt and stable I plan on rebuilding the masterbackend.  That does a bit more and I have other things running on it.  I plan to move a few things over to the frontend that is downstairs.  Nothing myth related.  Vmware and a few other things like BackupPC.

Posted in Linux.

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