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Has been a very dusty last few days

I finished up on a few more touch up sessions in the hallway at the bottom of the basement. Sunday afternoon I cleaned all the area up and wiped as much dust off the walls and vacuumed everything down once and then let everything settle. Put up a few work lights and took all wall plates and lights down. Mixed up my 5 gallon bucket of primer and put one coat on the walls and ceiling in that hallway. The area looks pretty good. That paint brings out the problem areas. I have two areas I have to work on the corners a bit and a few areas I have to fill some small air pockets (small spots) that show pretty good now that I have a coat of primer on. Plan to start working on cleaning everything up tonight and see what it looks like after a quick coat and sanding. Prime those few areas again and then I have to practice on the ceiling treatment. Hope to get that up and finished by this weekend. After that is up I can paint the ceiling one last time and then put some color on the walls. Planning on painting the hallway walls the same color as the upstairs. After I get that all finished I can put the wall plates back on and the lights back up and that area is finished. Just have to wait to put trim up around the doors and baseboard and then carpet when I get the rest of the rooms finished. It will then be time to finish up the taping and muding in the other areas. I hope that those areas will move a little bit faster since I know what I am doing now. Will get smaller coats of mud up and then rent a big drywall sander one day and try to sand everything all at the same time. Hope to get all 3 rooms finished on one weekend when I sand and get those areas ready for paint. Thing that sander will help out on the walls but the biggest thing will be when I do the ceiling. can just stand on the floor and sand with the big sander. May take a day off work and start sanding early in the morning so I can go over and fill holes and sand again that day and then maybe one more time that night and again in the morning before I have to take the sander back. Only 40 bucks for a 24 hours. Will put much less wear on my sander and shop vac and probably do a much better and fast job anyway.

Posted in Basement.

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