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A few things to change for nfs and mythtv

nano /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server

change RPCNFSDCOUNT=8 to 12 or16

fstab entries for share

# /share nfs rsize=8192,wsize=8192,timeo=14,intr
#// /share cifs username=username,password=password,uid=119,gid=119 0 0 /share nfs rsize=32768,wsize=32768,nfsvers=3,tcp,actimeo=0,bg,soft,async

Posted in Mythtv.

The Avermedia A180 seems to be working great.

After a little playing around friday night I was able to get the card to tune to channels corrrectly and actually recorded a few shows on it without any problems over the weekend.  I seem to have stumbled on a IO problem (brought to my attention by my brother).  I thought maybe the card just used more resources then the 500mce I have.  Well after looking at the cpu usage, recording with all 3 tuners in the system, the proc usage is less than 5%.  That is great.  The problem is that a hd stream is much larger than a ntsc show.  I have my mythtv repository on another server nfs mounted.  The other server gets loaded up and then my mythbackend box starts to get loaded up.  System load on both boxes get up to near 1 or over 1.  After looking at both boxes the nfs server seems to be doing a bunch of work.  I am going to try moving the myth repository over to my myth backend in hopes of that helping out.  Never even thought about how much the hd feeds really take up.  The MSU game on saturday was 17 gig when I looked at it on sunday.  I am going to have to work on getting a few jobs setup to transcode hd streams I guess.  Man that is a lot of data.  I was just happy to know that the a180 was not really hogging the system, just what it was trying to put out onto the filesystem was the hog.  Time to make a few changes I guess.  I may have to get a new case or move some of the hardware around because I think I will run out of mounting space in my current antec case for the raid card.  Oh man, and I don’t have a pci slot in that case to put the scsi card.  Man that sucks.  Bought the wrong motherboard I guess.  I am going to have to rethink this I guess.

Posted in Mythtv.

AverMedia A180 came in the mail yesterday

There was a nice little box in the mailbox when I got home last night.  Unpacked it and let it warm up a bit.  Then took the new box apart and put in the new card.  Took a bit since the card was hitting a capacitor on the motherboard.  It just barely fits in the second pci slot.  I now have the 500mce and the a180 in my myth box.  Both seem to work fine.  Still working on configureing the a180.  I can scan for channels in mythtv and it finds all the channels I should be getting from my understanding (at least what shows up as ota on datadirect, they all line up to the channels I am finding and a few more).  I have guide data for the channels now.  Now I just have to figure out how to use it.  I have not had to much time to play with it.  I hope this weekend I can get a picture off of the card.  Right now I have not yet been able to record or view anything off the card.  Like I said just had enough time to try and not enough to play with it yet.

Posted in Mythtv.

ATI Remote wonder with ubuntu dapper and mythtv .20 and lirc has a great howto on setting up the ati remote wonder for mythtv.
download above file to /tmp
cd /tmp
$ tar -xzvf ATI_rw*.tar.gz

Copy lircrc remote config files
cp /tmp/lircd.conf /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
cp /tmp/lircrc /home/mythtv/.mythtv/lircrc

I have put all files in /dvr/files
There is a jpg in that area that tells you what button does what also.
make sure to install lirc by doing an apt-get install lirc

Now to make sure it works and customize any buttons to my own preferences.

Posted in Mythtv.

Hardware is here

Well the box was waiting for me when I got home.  Got it put together and built up a new box.  No problems with the build.  Have myth up and running and it is currently recording.  I will let it run tonight and see what happens in the morning.  Hopefully everything is good.  HD is a bit messed up today though.  A bunch of pixilation for some reason.  I am going to have to try to figure out what is going on with that soon.

Posted in Linux.

Getting ready for hardware return

Last night I went online and noticed that the new hardware should be delivered today.  That will be nice to get back to working on this box.  I just hope it truely was tested and is a working config now.  So I have been reading and found that you really don’t want to use some of the common filesystems for your recordings filesystem for a mythbox.  People have reported that reiserfs and ext3 are not a good idea at all for the recordings filesystem.  I did some reading and decided to go with xfs for the filesystem.  So last night I started moving all of my files off of that disk array and then tried unmounting it so I could reformat xfs.  Well it would not unmount so I rebooted.  That is where I went wrong.  Stupid me put everything in the /tmp area.  Ubuntu clears that area on startup, so when I went to look at the filesystem everything was gone.  Oh well.  I have pretty good documentation of what I did in that area so far anyway and I had about 10 or so shows in the recordings area but didn’t really need them anyway.  So I formated the 600 meg raid 5 array xfs and then started building the file structure again.  About an hour later I had everything back in place and ready for the new box.  Right now this is in a small old box in the utility room since it is a bit noisy.  I just nfs mount this filesystem from other boxes when and if they need files from it.  I am thinking that eventually the new box will be a mythth masterbackend on it’s own.  Right now I think I may make the new box a mythtv slave backend if I can make that work.  Once I have a good working config I will move everything around and have all files and what not on the new box and actually put that in the utility room (right next to where cable comes into the house).  Then I want to put a micro atx box together or maybe even a mac mini, as a mythtv frontend.  Like I said, still have plenty to play around with and I want to make this new box work the way I want it to before I start trying other frontends.

Posted in Linux.

Hardware bundle is on it’s way back to me.

Just got off the phone with I saw the email they sent late last night giving me a tracking number. I wanted to know what they found. From what they told me over the phone this morning, they are sending me the original cpu and that is it. They are sending me a new motherboard and memory. Did not say what was up with the original motherboard or memory but I guess as long as they tested and the bundle is working that is all that matters. I will be ready for them. Hopefully I will have the new avermedia a180 card by the time this bundle gets to me. Then I can get back at setting up a mythtv box. I still have a myth backend running on my athon 1700+. No tuner in it right now though. I am debating on rebuilding that box from the ground up also. Probably will wait until the bundle gets here to make a decision. I can’t wait to get working on this project again.

Posted in New toys.

Making sure the mythbackend stays up

A cool script I found at

Put the script in /share/mythtv/files

Just added a cron job to run every 5 minutes and this will make sure mythbackend and the transcode process are up and running for me.

Posted in Mythtv.

Install AverMedia A180 on Ubuntu

apt-get install linux-doc-2.6.15
cd /usr/share/doc/linux-doc-2.6.15/Documentation/dvb
gzip -d get_dvb_firmware.gz
chmod +x get_dvb_firmware
./get_dvb_firmware nxt2004
cp /offline/files/dvb-fe-nxt2004.fw /lib/firmware
modprobe saa7134-dvb
add blacklist saa7134 to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist
add saa7134-dvb to /etc/modules

Posted in Linux.

Use Xine as the DVD player in mythtv

Personally, I don’t like mplayer for usage as a DVD player, because it does not have support for DVD menus. Xine does. So, I first installed xine:

apt-get install xine-ui

and then went to Utilities/Setup–>Setup–>Media Settings–>DVD Settings–>Play Settings, and typed in

xine -pfhq --no-splash dvd://

Similarly, I also set xine as the player for my video files; go to Utilities/Setup–>Setup–>Media Settings–>Videos Settings–>Play Settings, and put in

xine -pfhq --no-splash %s

Note that in my personal lircrc file (see the remote section), I have also included keymappings for the xine player; so, your remote should work for xine as well. Note that the first time xine gets run, it will pop a rather unattractive configuration dialog. Just close it; it won’t happen again.

Now one last thing; when xine quits, the mouse focus might stray back the desktop, which forces all keyboard input (which your remote really is, to MythTV anyway) to go there. To fix this, go to System->Preferences->Windows, and check both “select windows when the mouse moves over them” and “raise selected windows after an interval”. That makes the user interface, while you are logged in as the mythtv user, really annoying to deal with, but that does save us from recompiling xine. If you really hate this, hop over to Andrew’s excellent site and look in his “Misc” section for how to recompile xine.

If you are outside the US, you may install a library which will allow you to watch all of your rightfully purchased DVD’s:


We also would like to enable xine to play DivX, AVI, WMV, etc. Again if you are outside the US, you may install codecs that allow this:

apt-get install w32codecs

If DVD playback is jerky, make sure that you have DMA turned on for the DVDROM in question. First, type

hdparm /dev/hdd

where “/dev/hdd” is replaced with the appropriate device; look in /etc/fstab if you don’t know which device your DVDROM is. If you get a line that says “using_dma = 0”, you need to turn it on. Add the following to the end of your /etc/hdparm.conf file:

/dev/hdd {
dma = on

Where again, /dev/hdd is replaced by the device that you are trying to change. Reboot for the change to take effect. Be careful to verify that your drive still works at all after you do this, though. Certain drives do not play well with DMA. If that is the case for your drive, it might be time for a new DVDROM drive.

Posted in Mythtv.